We write about houses.Journalists write about us.
URLAUBSARCHITEKTUR has received a lot of attention recently.
You can find an overview of the most significant media reports and articles in our media blog. This page features a selection of articles and quotations about our online portal and our book series.
Selected press coverage
Wow living - If you fancy a vacation in a holiday home that is anything but run-of-the-mill, you can find some very special architectural treasures on the urlaubsarchitektur.de platform. - Freundin, April 2024
The focus is clearly on good design, and the platform specialises in exceptional homes. - NZZ Bellevue, March 2024
Destinations in Europe whose architecture and hospitality culture set new standards. - Hotel+Technik, January 2024
Architectural gems in Europe. - Swiss Building Journal, October 2023
Extraordinary architecture in extraordinary places. - German Architects' Journal, October 2023
Fans of selected architectural gems can rejoice: the number of hand-picked holiday homes on the ‘Holidayarchitecture’ web portal continues to grow. - NZZ Bellevue, October 2023
Escapism. The Villa in Thoughts - The Site is now more than just an intermediary between interesting hosts and interested guests, more than just a guide to stylish holiday happiness. It also serves a very contemporary form of escapism, to which one has recently become compulsively accustomed. (...) For successful screen travelling today, it has to be the right mix of depth of content and appetising presentation, a panopticon of perfection in which one gets full just looking and eyes and mind are caressed with every picture. At the platform Urlaubsarchitektur, they have long recognised this meta-added value and regularly publish their own coffee-table books in which the most beautiful houses are presented in a haptically appropriate way - nothing more than a ticket to travel on the couch. - Süddeutsche Zeitung, April 2022
What began as a small recommendation site with well-designed holiday homes for an architecture-affine audience has now developed into a professional platform. The fact that the creators of the site have not softened their quality standards over time and continue to apply high standards to the selected properties is part of its continuing success. - AIT, June 2020
Holiday homes to dream about - competitionline.com 9/2019
All 500 recommendations on this portal are architectural masterpieces - ELLE Decoration Germany 3/2019
For architecture pilgrims – "How AirBnb and it’s rivals are winning over hotel snobs" - The Wall Street Journal 7/2017
"We are the Anti-AirBnB". URLAUBSARCHITEKTUR showcases a fantastic selection of holiday houses for architecture fans - SPIEGEL online, April 2017
Working for leisure time - When it comes to holiday accommodation, the architecture in question usually adheres to rigid, mass-produced convention. But if you're looking for a beautiful house in which to spend the best time of the year, this can present a welcome challenge - for the architects and builders alike. - Deutsches Architektenblatt 7/2017
Come on in – and be amazed – zweikuesten.de 3/2017
Unique, exclusive retreats – Travelnews 2/2017
You lodge with your eyes: Holiday homes with style - If you're looking for architecturally holiday accommodation online, you'll sooner or later come across Jan Hamer - db mobil 3/2015
The dream house collector - Thanks to architect Jan Hamer, exemplary holiday homes are no longer an insider's tip. With his website urlaubsarchitektur.de he has created a platform for architecture-lovers and owners of unique, beautifully-designed holiday homes. - Deutsches Architektenblatt 7/2012
Well built! Architecture is more important than scenery, says Jan Hamer. Through his online portal HOLIDAYARCHITECTURE, the architect showcases unique hotels and holiday homes – DIE ZEIT 12/2011